Create EC2 for Storage Gateway

Create EC2 for Storage Gateway

  1. Go to Storage Gateway service management interface.

    • We will use Region Singapore (ap-southeast-1) if the region is changed. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Click Create gateway. Create Storage Gateway Instance
  2. In the Platform options section, Select Amazon EC2.

    • Click Customize your settings.
    • Click Launch instance. Create Storage Gateway Instance
  3. AWS will select AMI automatically. Create Storage Gateway Instance

  4. In the Instance type section, Select m4.large.

    AWS recommended m4/m5 type for general purposes. Create Storage Gateway Instance

  5. Scroll down to Key Pair, Select Create a new keypair. Create Storage Gateway Instance

    • Name the Key Pair Name as storagegw-key
    • Click RSA under Key Pair Type
    • Click .pem under Key Pair File Format
    • Choose Create key pair Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Then select storagegw-key under Key pair name -required
  6. In the Network settings section, Select Edit. Create Storage Gateway Instance

  7. In the Firewall (security groups) section.

    • In the Security group name section, type storagegw-instance-sg.
    • In the Description section, type storagegw-instance-sg.
  8. In the Inbound security groups rules section.

    • Click Add security group rule to add a rule.
    • In the Type section, Select Custom TCP.
    • In the Port range section, type storagegw-instance-sg.
    • In the Source type section, Select Custom.
    • In the Source type section, Select Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Do the same for the other rules.
    • Rule 3, 4. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Rule 5, 6. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Rule 7, 8. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Rule 9, 10. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Rule 11, 12. Create Storage Gateway Instance
    • Rule 13, 14. Create Storage Gateway Instance
  9. In the Configure storage section.

    • Click Add new volume.
    • In the capacity section, type 150.

    Besides Root volume, we need to add a volume to configure Cache of Storage Gateway whose minimum capacity is 150 GiB. Create Storage Gateway Instance

  10. Click Launch instance. Create Storage Gateway Instance

  11. Click View all instances select Public IP of the Instance and save it for later use. Create Storage Gateway Instance