Create File Shares

Create File Shares

  1. Go to Storage Gateway service management interface.

    • Click File Shares.
    • Click Create file share. Create File Share
  2. In the Gateway section, select filesgw.

    • In the section File share type, select SMB.

    You can choose Network File System (NFS) for On-premise machines running Linux/MacOS/AIX. For Windows machines, select Server Message Block (SMB). You can use NFS for Windows machines and SMB for Linux machines, but the mounting process on-premise is more complicated.

    • In the Amazon S3 bucket name section, choose s3-instancestoragegw-2023 (the name of the S3 bucket we created). Create File Share
    • In the User Authentication section, select Guest access.
    • Then select Configure. Create File Share
    • Enter the password we created earlier and then click Save.
  3. Drag the screen down and click Create file share. Create File Share

    • Finish creating File shares. Create File Share